The Defining Moment of your Life
What happens when everything that you believe in seems like it's not real? All the prayers, meditation, writing in your gratitude journal just does not make you feel better about your dire situation. What do we do next? Abort all our plans. Put everything you've work for on hold. Not really but it will take some stress of your back. The problem with those solutions are that they are going against everything you believe in; God, universe, abundance and prosperity. We have heard the saying over and over again about; do what you love and the money will follow you. What if you have been following your bliss and the money is eluding you, then what do we do?
Great question and here's your answer. The defining moment in our lives is when all the chips are down, it appears that we are running out of luck and anything and everything is falling apart in our life. I believe that's when we have gain enough material to tell our story of triumph and success in the eye of adversity and pain of not knowing the outcome.This is your moment to ground yourself in what you believe is true for you. All the steps and errors in judgment has led you to this defining moment in time. Believe it or not, this situation you are dealing with right now is in divine order. Trust me, I know that's the last thing you want to hear right this second. I completely understand but your situation is only a reflection of what is no longer working in your life today.
Let's focus on what we really want to attract into our lives. We all know that the power of attraction starts with what we think and feel all the time. It really does a disservice to ourselves if we concentrate on what we don't want versus what we do want to manifest in our lives. Remember my spiritual seeker of truth that we are "spiritual beings having a temporary human experience". That's the honest truth. So what can we do to make our experience grand in this lifetime of our existence?
Let's start by being fearless with our goals and desires. How can we start the process?
1. Make a decision to get things done ASAP!
2. Take the first step and start the process of making your idea into a reality,
3. Don't get discourage if obstacles come your way. Embrace and use them for motivation and tenacity to follow through to your goals.
4. Have fun and don't take your self or life so seriously. Enjoy the game of creation and be in the present moment.
I think you are ready to make things happen in your life now. Go in peace and gratitude and live life now!
Luis Soto Jr.
Transformational Life Coach, Author and Speaker